Sharjah Art Foundation

Sharjah Biennial 16

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
6 Febuary — 15 June 2025

Never Settle: The Program (2018– ongoing)

New Red Order
Never Settle: The Program
Digital video, colour, sound
50 minutes
Courtesy of the artist


This promotional initiation video lures inductees with promises of decolonisation and settler remediation. Images of settler-led planetary destruction are juxtaposed with sequences of underground group therapy sessions that allow settlers to lose, forget and explore their identities in order to ‘indigenise’. The work satirically examines the dynamics influencing the conditions in which the concerns of Indigenous people are often treated as a topic du jour only to be co-opted by non-Indigenous people under the guise of making amends.

Screening and Booking Information

Never Settle: The Program (2018–ongoing)
Director: New Red Order
United States
Experimental | 50 minutes
English with Arabic subtitles

Details about the full programme and the screenings can be found here.