Sharjah Art Foundation

Sharjah Biennial 16

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
6 Febuary — 15 June 2025

Of Ravens and Children (2015)

Marie-Hèléne Cousineau
Of Ravens and Children (still)
Digital video, colour, sound
31 minutes
Image courtesy of Vtape


In keeping with Inuit oral culture, the documentary Of Ravens and Children explores issues of family, community, self, environment and culture. Children and teens of Igloolik participate in a summer camp where they talk openly about global issues. Elders speak about the importance of storytelling in their culture, bearing witness to the challenges and victories of passing this important tradition to the Igloolik youth of today.

Screening and Booking Information

Of Ravens and Children (2015)
Director: Marie-Hèléne Cousineau
Documentary | 31 minutes
English and Inuktitut with English and Arabic subtitles

Details about the full programme and the screenings can be found here.
To book your tickets, click here.