Hosting, Curiosity and Focus: Reevaluating Residencies and Commissioned Projects
March Meeting 2012
Hosting, Curiosity and Focus: Reevaluating Residencies and Commissioned Projects
Photo by Louie dela Torre
March Meeting 2012
Hosting, Curiosity and Focus: Reevaluating Residencies and Commissioned Projects
Photo by Louie dela Torre
With a focus on residencies and commissions, this presentation will foster questions related to formats, structures and dynamics that surround art practices today, as well as those involved with them including artists, audiences, institutions and curators. The current impact of mobility has allowed for displacement to be experienced in various ways and forms. With this in mind, it is important to evaluate the impact of context-specificity when considering the development of forms of practice such as residencies and commissions. The overall purpose of this intervention will be to openly approach questions, including: what works? What does not work? How do can these projects be evaluated? What is worth pursuing and under which circumstances? As a compromised facilitator and host, these are some of the questions that de_sitio brings forth in the projects it engages in, when working towards prioritising continuous research, process and dialogue.