
Recent celebration of the talent of artists, filmmakers and writers from the Global South by western institutions stands in stark contrast to the rise of xenophobia and anti-immigration policies in Europe and North America. Haunting images of migrants from the Global South drowning in the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern edges of the Atlantic Ocean, speak to the horrors of the ‘new middle passage’. We witness, today, the alienation of migrant workers and artists, and forced repatriations, alongside policies of multicultural inclusivity. This panel unpacks the paradoxes of anti-immigration against the celebration of greater global cultural production and exchange.

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March Meeting 2022: Migrations to the North, Forced Repatriation and the New Middle Passage

Zahid R. Chaudhary

Zahid R. Chaudhary is Associate Professor of English at Princeton University. He specialises in postcolonial studies, visual culture and critical theory.

March Meeting 2022: Migrations to the North, Forced Repatriation and the New Middle Passage

Hameed, Ayesha

Ayesha Hameed explores the heritage of Black diasporas through the figure of the Atlantic Ocean. Her Afrofuturist approach combines performance, sound essays, videos and lectures.

March Meeting 2022: Migrations to the North, Forced Repatriation and the New Middle Passage

Khalili, Bouchra

Bouchra Khalili’s videos and installations combine a conceptual approach with a documentary practice to explore issues of nomadism and clandestine existence, with the destiny of migrants being a specific focus.

March Meeting 2022: Migrations to the North, Forced Repatriation and the New Middle Passage

Rachid Koraïchi

Contemporary artist Rachid Koraichi’s work is influenced by a fascination with signs: symbols, glyphs and ciphers drawn from a variety of languages and cultures.