
Soledad Muñoz is a Canada-born artist raised in Rancagua, Chile. She is dedicated to exploring the historical significance of textiles in shaping collective memory. Through large-scale weavings, sound installations and audiovisual projects, Muñoz creates new archives of resistance. She co-founded Género, a record label promoting women in sound, and initiated CURRENT Symposium (2017), an interdisciplinary music and electronic art event. In 2019, she co-created ‘La Parte de Atrás de la Arpillera’, featuring interviews with Chilean textile workers narrating the history of resistance. Her current project, Woven Memory / Memoria Entretejida, features site-specific installations commemorating lives lost during Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship (1973–1990). Muñoz earned an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and is the recipient of the City of Vancouver Emerging Artist Award and the Textile Society of America's Student and New Professional Award. Her multifaceted practice reflects a commitment to activism, cultural production, and the intersection of art and memory.