
Professor Ibrahima Sow is a philosopher, researcher and writer interested in the role the imaginary and maraboutage [sorcery and magic practices] in Senegalese life. He is also active in international political, science and arts organisations that focus on Africa.

Sow is a researcher at the Institut fondamental d’Afrique noire Cheikh Anta Diop (Ifan-CAD). He is also the founder and director of the Laboratoire de l’Imaginaire [Laboratory of the Imagination] and a scientific editor. Very active in organising large international meetings on African questions in Dakar, Sow presided over the organisational committee of the International Colloquium on African Renaissance (2010), Forum of the Third Global Festival of Black Arts (2010) and International Symposium on the United States of Africa (2009).

Among his published works are La révolution politique et civique au Sénégal. Un seul mandat pour le président de la République et zéro parti politique [The political and civic revolution in Senegal. A single mandate for the president of the Republic and no political party] (2014); Le Maraboutage au Sénégal [Maraboutage in Senegal] (2013); L’extraordinaire histoire d’El hadji Socé Ndaiye, l’époux de Djinné Maïmouna [The extraordinary story of El Hadji Socé Ndiaye, the spouse of Djinné Maïmouna] (2013); La philosophie africaine. Du pourquoi au comment [African Philosophy. From Why to How] (2010); La divination par le sable [Divination by Sand] (2009) and La symbolique de l’imaginaire [Symbolism of the imaginary] (2008).

For his PhD thesis, Sow investigated the role of the marabout diviner, divination and representations of destiny in society.

This person was part of SB13 Dakar Off-site project - Vive l’Indépendance de l’Eau