This installation includes a video that documents a collaborative performance by Matthew Barney and Elizabeth Peyton at DESTE Foundation Project Space on the island of Hydra, Greece, in 2009, as well as elements that were first exhibited there: drawings that the two artists created together, sculptures by Barney and paintings by Peyton.
The performance began with a procession at dawn to a nearby cove. Local fishermen pulled a large bronze and glass vitrine out of the water, where it had been anchored by divers to the sea floor, and carried it up a narrow stairway to the road. At the top of the steps, a dead dogfish shark was placed on the vitrine. The fishermen – accompanied by a large audience, as well as numerous goats and sheep – then conveyed the vitrine to the exhibition space, formerly the island’s slaughterhouse.
The vitrine was placed inside, its lid was removed, and the water it contained gushed through a blood drain back into the sea. Within the vitrine were five collaborative drawings by Barney and Peyton and a bronze book with an aquamarine patina, developed during immersion underwater.
Additional works play on the theme of food and flesh, both human and animal, such as Barney’s sculptures of an abstracted cat figure in bronze and a re-creation of the blood drain.
This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 11
Artwork Images
Blood of Two
Matthew Barney and Elizabeth Peyton
Mixed-media installation, bronze, glass, framed drawings and paintings, colour video
Dimensions variable
Installation view
Private collection
Photo by Alfredo Rubio
Barney, Matthew
From his earliest work, Matthew Barney has explored the transcendence of physical limitations in a multimedia art practice that includes feature-length films, video installations, sculpture, photography and drawing.
Peyton, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Peyton is known for her portraits of fellow artists, friends and a range of cultural icons who have influenced her thinking, from musical inspirations to historical figures.
March Meeting 2013: Towards a New Cultural Cartography
This publication takes as its starting point Yuko Hasegawa’s curatorial concept for Sharjah Biennial 11: Re:Emerge – Towards a New Cultural Cartography and March Meeting 2013.