The work stages a parody of a football match between fictional characters, incorporating a set of hybrid words, stories, folk songs, jokes, urban legends and graffiti culled from Algerian popular culture. The installation engages themes of transgression and betrayal, exploring the resonance and dissonance between a writer and society, cast as a match between ‘cultural input’ on one side and ‘literary output’ on the other.
T-shirt Design: Ali Cherri. Graffiti: Faouzi Khlifi a.k.a. eL Seed
April 2011
This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 10
Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation
Artwork Images
Maportaliche / It Has No Importance
Mustapha Benfodil
Mixed-media installation, 23 mannequins, printed t-shirts, audio, graffiti
Dimensions variable
Detail view
Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation
Photo by Plamen Galabov
Benfodil, Mustapha
Benfodil is an Algerian writer and journalist. He began his career writing poetry, novels and short stories.
Sharjah Biennial 10: Plot for a Biennial
Accompanying and complementing the main premise of Sharjah Biennial 10, Plot for a Biennial explores the concept of a ‘conversation’ through printed matter.