Nubian warrior (2021)

Fathi Hassan

Nubian warrior
2 paintings: mixed media on paper and cardboard
26 x 22 cm each

The Nubian
Mixed media on paper
195 x 145 cm
Sharjah Art Foundation Collection

Toshka and Aswan
5 paintings: mixed media on paper and cardboard
26 x 22 cm each

Nubian Memory
Mixed media on paper
195 x 150 cm

Courtesy of the artist


Fathi Hassan explores the colonial erasure of ancient languages and oral histories as well as the ambivalence and fallibility of semiotic meaning. Hassan presents four mixed media works that evoke motifs of Nubian folklife and ancient civilisations. The artist’s compositions render the vibrancy of his cultural lineage through real and invented units of language left indecipherable. At the core of these works are echoes of collective memory—of Nubian ancestral customs, oral traditions and submerged territories—expressing the restless pursuit of an identity suppressed by the violence of colonial modernity.