Artist Statement
In the eyes of the Islamist terrorists I belonged to the hateful category of the tagh’out – a traitor to the cause of God. As an artist and journalist, I was living in a state torn between the rule of law, ‘loyalty’ to Islam and the aspirations of struggling for a free, democratic and modern Algeria. The worst was to endure up close the atrocities of a civil war that did not acknowledge itself as such. The most shocking moment was when, having been assigned to cover his speech, I witnessedthe assassination of President Boudiaf. This work is about memory, a return to the archives and recollections of that period.
This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 10
Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation
Artwork Images
Ammar Bouras
Multi-channel mixed-media installation
2 light boxes
500 x 220 cm each
Installation view
Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation
Photo by Plamen Galabov
Bouras, Ammar
Ammar Bouras studied at the École supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Algiers.
Sharjah Biennial 10: Plot for a Biennial
Accompanying and complementing the main premise of Sharjah Biennial 10, Plot for a Biennial explores the concept of a ‘conversation’ through printed matter.
Manual for Treason
Manual for Treason is a guest-edited series of seven books playing on the literary sense of the word 'plot'. It was commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation for Sharjah Biennial 10.