Sharjah Art Foundation

Sharjah Biennial 15: Thinking Historically in the Present

SB15 is now closed. Thank you for your support. Updates on the Biennial can be read here.

Sunday 26.02.2023

Saturday 25.02.2023

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Performance Activity for Youth and Adults

Al Mureijah Art Spaces
Al Mureijah

Reading Session

Reading Session

SB15 Library Programme

Bait Obaid Al Shamsi
Arts Square

Sunday 19.02.2023

Saturday 18.02.2023

Guerrilla Gardening

Guerrilla Gardening

Workshop for Children and Families

Bait Al Hurma
Al Mureijah Square

Friday 17.02.2023

Natural Dye Making

Natural Dye Making

Workshop for Children and Families

Bait Obaid Al Shamsi
Arts Square

Sunday 12.02.2023

Saturday 11.02.2023

So What’s Your Story?

So What’s Your Story?

Workshop for Children and Families.

The Urban Garden
Al Mureijah Square

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