Untitled (Groundworks) is a new multi-channel video work of ‘animated’ photographs shot on flights over the deserts of the Southwestern United States. Focusing on a range of locations from disused military installations, industrial farm complexes and copper mines, the work brings new life to these sites in subtle and complex ways.
Playing on the ambiguity of scale created in Untitled (Groundworks) Excavators features a group of ants building a new nest. The film recalls video footage shot by fighter pilots in action, reducing those on the ground to an insect-like scale and allowing for the dehumanization of their targets.
Courtesy of the Artist.
This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 11
Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation
Artwork Images
Untitled (Groundworks)
Jananne Al-Ani
Multi-channel video installation
Dimensions variable
Installation view
Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation