Sharjah Art Foundation

Sharjah Biennial 16

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
6 Febuary — 15 June 2025

Devasher, Rohini

Devasher, Rohini


Rohini Devasher’s current body of work is a collection of ‘strange’ terrains, constructed by observing, recording, fictionalising and reimagining objects and spaces.

dhaqan collective

dhaqan collective

Artist Collective

A feminist art collective of Somali women established in Bristol in 2019, dhaqan collective centres the voices of women and elders in the Somali community, privileging co-creation and collaboration

Dittborn, Eugenio

Dittborn, Eugenio


Since 1983 all of Eugenio Dittborn’s work has been meticulously folded and packed into cardboard airmail envelopes and sent by post to exhibitions around the world.

Divecha, Vikram

Divecha, Vikram


Vikram Divecha’s work addresses labour, time and value in projects that manifest as public art, sculptural installation, video and drawing.

Doğrusöz, Barış

Doğrusöz, Barış

Artist, Filmmaker

Barış Doğrusöz is an artist and filmmaker whose projects have taken the form of audiovisual installations, sculpture, graphic works, photography and drawings.

Donnelly, Trisha

Donnelly, Trisha


Trisha Donnelly absorbs photography, drawing, audio, video, sculpture and performance into a practice that reflects on both the aesthetics of the act of creation and its results.

Dorsen, Annie

Dorsen, Annie


Annie Dorsen produces performative art that is influenced by politics and culture.

Doupé, Barry

Doupé, Barry

Artist, Filmmaker

Barry Doupé is an artist and filmmaker living in Vancouver and holds a Bachelor of Media Arts.

Dujourie, Lili

Dujourie, Lili


Since the late 1960s Lili Dujourie has explored a wide range of media including video, sculpture, photography and installation. Her collected video works (1972-1981) are considered seminal feminist works.

Constant Dullaart reflects on the broad cultural and social effects of communication and image processing technologies while critically engaging the power structures of mega corporations.

Duman, Alberto

Duman, Alberto


A conceptual and installation artist, Duman’s projects have largely reflected the development of public art practice in the UK.

Dyson, Torkwase

Dyson, Torkwase


Working in multiple mediums, Torkwase Dyson describes herself as a painter whose forms address the continuity of ecology, geography, infrastructure and architecture.

Echakhch, Latifa

Echakhch, Latifa


Latifa Echakhch responds to political and cultural issues through objects, images and texts that question meaning and appearance.

Edris, Alaa

Edris, Alaa


Alaa Edris uses photography, film and performance to enact experimental mappings and manipulations of her social and urban environment.

Eğrikavuk, Işıl

Eğrikavuk, Işıl


In addition to creating videos and performances, Işıl Eğrikavuk works as a journalist and teaches media and video art at Istanbul Bilgi University.

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